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J-Page: Links
Rating key: Sometimes links will have italic letters before their description. These letters are a quick rating system, and this is the key:
C - Cool (this refers to the content/subject)
D - Design (this means the design is cool)
S - Slow (this means the site is updated at a slow pace, like mine :-) )

Total links: 20
Computers (17)
Other Cool & Funny Stuff (3)
Computers (17)Computer News Sites (2)
Mac Stuff (3)
Linux (2)
Computer Emulation (3)
Cool Programs (3)
Cybiko (2)
Obsolete Computers (1)
Programming (1)
Computer News Sites (2)Slashdot
C News for nerds.

CD Slashdot for macs.

Mac Stuff (3)Apple
CD The big company. Need I say any more? The design is pretty good-looking... And the products rule. PowerBook G4 RULES!

C A great site for people interested in Macs. They are the perfect resource for anyone looking into buying a mac, old or new.

The Mac SE Support Pages
This is nice for those who have a Mac SE (or SE/30, for that matter).

Linux (2)Slackware Linux
C My preferred linux on the PC.

PicoBSD, the Small BSD.
CS OK, OK, this isn't a linux, it's a BSD un*x. But, hey, it fits on a single floppy, and it's cool. Oh, and BSD means Berkeley (spelling?) Standard Distribution.

Computer Emulation (3)E-Maculation
A great site with news about Mac emulation, mostly targeted at emulating Mac on winduhs.

Basilisk II for Windows NT
C A 68020,'030, and '040 mac emulator for windows. (despite the title, it runs on other versions of windows.) This site's plain design make it load nice and fast, and the emulator is good.

C Bochs is a PC emulator that runs on a lot of platforms and a lot of OSs.

Cool Programs (3)AbiWord
C A neat, multiplatform word processor, compatible with MS Word. I used this on Linux and Windows, and will probably download it for Mac OS X if they ever have an Aqua version. Very cool.

C Mozilla is one great browser suite. (I say suite because it also has mail/news/etc. built in) This is not the same as Nutscrape 6, it's ongoingly in development. It has great tabbed-browsing features too.

C A really cool browser, still in beta. Mac OS X only, now pretty much my main browser. Based on Mozilla's core and with cool Mozilla-inspired features.

Cybiko (2)Cybiko, Inc.
C The company that makes the Cybiko, a kewl wireless computer for gaming, emailing, chatting, etc. I have an older model, and it is totally awesome.

Cybiko Dev'rs
CS A cool site with info for developers on the cybiko, and also cybiko program announcements and stuff. Serves as a repository for games & apps released by 3rd parties.

Obsolete Computers (1)Obsolete Computer Museum
CS An interesting site, pretty well categorized, but not updated very frequently. Luckily, it has a helpline area which is alive and hopping, and it's a great place to ask questions about any older computer.
Programming (1)REBOL
C REBOL is a really kewl and easy to use language for internet scripting & messaging. I highly recommend you wade through their confusing page and download it for your platform.
Other Cool & Funny Stuff (3)Gilligan's Island (1)
Friend's Pages (2)
Gilligan's Island (1)Official Gilligan's Island Fan Club
C A neat Gilligan's Island website. Just sit right back and you'll see a site, about a neat TV show blah blah blah.... The design's not perfect, but it's a neat site, with a free monthly e-mail newsletter.
Friend's Pages (2)The Greg page
S My friend Greg's page.

Cat's page